Wednesday, March 7, 2007

EOPL - 2.3.4 - Exercise 2.25

Using the data type definitions from the previous exercise, it's easy to define the necessary additional operations and then complete the definition of the unification function.

let is_var_term t =
match t with Id _ -> true | _ -> false

let unit_subst i t =
extend_subst i t (empty_subst ())

let rec compose_substs s1 s2 =
match s1 with
EmptySub -> s2
| ExtendedSub (i, t, s) -> ExtendedSub (i, t, compose_substs s s2)

let rec unify_term t u =
match t with
Id tid -> if (is_var_term u) ||
(not (List.mem tid (term_all_ids u))) then
Some (unit_subst tid u)
| _ -> match u with
Id _ -> unify_term u t
| Constant udat ->
(match t with
Constant tdat when tdat = udat -> Some (empty_subst ())
| _ -> None)
| App us -> (match t with
App ts -> unify_terms ts us
| _ -> None)
and unify_terms ts us =
match ts, us with
[], [] -> Some (empty_subst ())
| ([], _) -> None
| (_, []) -> None
| (t :: ts', u :: us') ->
let subst_car = unify_term t u in
match subst_car with
None -> None
| Some s -> let new_ts = subst_in_terms ts' s in
let new_us = subst_in_terms us' s in
let subst_cdr = unify_terms new_ts new_us in
match subst_cdr with
None -> None
| Some s' -> Some (compose_substs s s')

The occurs check is necessary, of course, to avoid infinity. I won't say more than that, to force people that arrive here looking for solutions to EOPL's exercises to think a little about it, at least.

And this concludes Chapter 2.

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