A simple representation of environments as a list of pairs
(syms, vals)
is a list of symbols and
is a list of values positionally associated with the symbols.
let list_find_position a lst =
let rec loop l =
match l with
[] -> None
| (x :: l') when x = a -> Some (List.length l')
| (x :: l') -> loop l' in
loop (List.rev lst)
let empty_env () =
let extend_env syms vals env =
(syms, vals) :: env
let rec apply_env env sym =
match env with
[] -> failwith (sprintf "No binding for %s" sym)
| (syms, vals) :: env' ->
match list_find_position sym syms with
None -> apply_env env' sym
| Some i -> List.nth vals i
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