Beginning with two easy functions,
and remove-first
. The type definition for a list of symbols is
<list-of-symbols> ::= [] | <symbol> :: <list_of_symbols>
And the implementation of the functions are:
let rec remove_first s los =
match los with
[] -> []
| (smb :: los') when smb = s -> los'
| (smb :: los') -> smb :: (remove_first s los')
let rec remove s los =
match los with
[] -> []
| (smb :: los') when smb = s -> remove s los'
| (smb :: los') -> smb :: (remove s los')
Of course, the structural equality operator (
) here implies that these functions work not only with lists of symbols, but lists of any type. The type checker correctly infers the type 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list
for both lists. In Scheme too it's possible to get generic functions using the structural equality function equal?
-- and as it is the function is guaranteed to work with symbols, numbers and characters because it uses eqv?
-- but the authors probably didn't want to talk about parametric polymorphism at this point in the discussion.Now to two more functions,
and notate-depth
, that work on symbol expressions. A symbol expression is either a symbol or a list of symbol expressions, called an slist
<s-list> ::= [] | <symbol-expression> :: <s-list>
<symbol-expression> ::= <symbol> | <s-list>
So now we can't directly define in F# functions that work either on a symbol or a list of similar data. We must define a new type that is a disjoint union of symbols and lists of symbol expressions:
type SymbolExp = Symbol of string | SList of SymbolExp list
And now define the function
as in the book:
let rec subst n old slist =
match slist with
[] -> []
| (s :: sls) -> (subst_in_symbol_expression n old s) ::
(subst n old sls)
and subst_in_symbol_expression n old sexp =
match sexp with
Symbol s when s = old -> Symbol n
| Symbol s -> Symbol s
| SList sl -> SList (subst n old sl)
Note that
receives plain strings as the new
and old
parameters, not a Symbol str
where str
is a string. Also, the list that subst
receives is a SymbolExp list
and not a SymbolExp
that is a SList
. The former fact is a difference in relation to the Scheme version (but could easily be changed) and the latter is consistent with the Scheme version; both may seem a bit confusing.For
there's still another problem: the values returned by it are not really slist
s. While in Scheme this causes no problem, in F# we have to define a new type that includes the depth information with every symbol. So we get
type NotatedSymbolExp = NSymbol of string * int
| NSList of NotatedSymbolExp list
And finally, the function:
let rec notate_depth_in_slist slist n =
match slist with
[] -> []
| (s :: sls) -> (notate_depth_in_symbol_expression s n) ::
(notate_depth_in_slist sls n)
and notate_depth_in_symbol_expression sexp n =
match sexp with
Symbol s -> NSymbol (s, n)
| SList sl -> NSList (notate_depth_in_slist sl (n + 1))
let notate_depth slist = notate_depth_in_slist slist 0
The rest of the code are solutions to the exercises that require coding.
Exercise 1.11
let rec subst n o slist =
match slist with
[] -> []
| ((Symbol s)::sls) when s=old -> ((Symbol n)::subst n o sls)
| ((SList sl)::sls) -> ((SList (subst n o sl))::subst n o sls)
| (s::sls) -> s :: subst n o sls
Exercise 1.12
let rec subst_in_symbol_expression n old sexp =
match sexp with
Symbol s when s = old -> Symbol n
| Symbol s -> Symbol s
| SList sl -> SList (subst3 n old sl)
and subst n old slist = (subst_in_symbol_expression n old) slist
Exercise 1.13
let rec notate_depth_in_slist slist n = (notate_depth_in_symbol_expression n) slist
and notate_depth_in_symbol_expression n sexp =
match sexp with
Symbol s -> NSymbol (s, n)
| SList sl -> NSList (notate_depth_in_slist sl (n + 1))